
Middle East Economic Association


About Us

The Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) is a private, non-profit, non-political organization of scholars interested in the study of the economies and economics of the Middle East. The geographical term "Middle East" is used in its widest usage. Its objectives shall be:

  • promotion of high standard scholarship,

  • facilitation of communication among scholars through meetings and publications, and

  • promotion of cooperation among persons and organizations committed to the objectives of MEEA.



➤ Upcoming Conferences

45th MEEA/ASSA Annual Meeting

January 3-7, 2025
San Francisco, CA, USA

➤ Other Conferences

Conference on Demography and Labor Markets in the MENA Region

May 7-8, 2025
Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Doha
Call for papers




MEEA organizes two conferences annually and actively participates in WEAI annual meeting. See conferences for more information.


Every year, MEEA offers three sets of awards: Ibn Khaldun Prize for the best paper(s) presented in one of MEEA conferences, Travel Grants offered to a promising young scholar to attend the MEEA Annual Meetings, and AEA Continuing Education Grant. For more information, see awards.


MEEA has an online journal, Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies, dedicated to best papers presented in its conferences. 




Middle East Economic Association Newsletter covers the past and future activities of the organization in detail. You can find them here.


The organizations structure and procedures is defined in its bylaws which you can find here.

Officers and Board of Directors

The president, the executive secretary, and the treasurer are the officers of the organization. You can see their profiles here.The board of directors shall consist of nine voting members: the three officers and the six members. Past presidents can serve in the board as non-voting ex-officio members.The current members of board of directors are listed here.


With them the seed of Wisdom did I sow,
And with mine own hand wrought to make it grow
— Omar Khayyam